Friday, March 19, 2010


Now here’s a reason for cancelling a concert that i’ve never heard before ... AC/DCs forthcoming show in Austria could be cancelled over huge concerns that the site may contain unexploded bombs!
According to ‘ORF’ (I’d never heard of ‘em either....) the concert which is suppose to take place on 22nd May at the Wels airfield is in doubt as authorities fear that the area, (which was bombed by allied aircraft in World War II), still houses undetonated explosives!
Hermann Wimmer, the deputy mayor of Wels, confirmed that “no decision will be taken until a full assessment has been made by bomb disposal experts” – you gotta admit, it’s pretty cool! (even if it goes ahead, it’s still a hell of a story to tell the grand kids... Lol)


  1. How about that! You've now got two more! That makes 5 today! Am I good or am I good? You've even got the reclusive Eleazar. He must love me after all! Now don't go ruining it!

  2. Listen to the Chris Brown song ... Tell me whatcha think..
